Hentai Vagina Paste of Questionable Origins.
Right about now, Adrian’s pretty glad he’s still got this job at the Academy, the scenery is bulge making…

    Comic Dialogue:
    (If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)

Headmistress VonChastity: “Ladies, please follow me to the pond so we can begin the initital evaluation. The junior staff has a paste which you will have to spread on your vagina before we begin…”
Princess Elsa of Oral: “Ewww, it stinks! What is it?”
Princess Joanna of Fapsburg: “Yeah, it smells like SHIT.”
Adrian: “Not to worry, me and Shaggy made this up last night, there’s no ‘shit’ in it…”
Adrian: “At least… not that I KNOW of.”