Ecchi Teen Hentai Virgins and You All will be Staying that Way.
Someone didn’t get the purpose of the institution fully explained to her ahead of time.

    Comic Dialogue:
    (If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)

Headmistress VonChastity: “All right, ladies. Let’s make this quick. You need to get a good rest for tomorrow morning’s evalutaion session.”
Headmistress VonChastity: “As a princess you are a valuable asset to your realm. The longer you remain a virgin while accumulating power, the more points you will have to spend on once in a lifetime skills when you do lose your virginity.”
Princess Joanna of Fapsburg: “Uh oh. Sounds like we’re jumping right in…”
Princess Elsa of Oral: “Yay! We start having sex right away!”
Headmistress VonChastity: “Therefore, it is imperative taht your virginity remain intact and the entire academy staff is dedicated to this goal.”
Princess Elsa of Oral: “Wait, I have to stay a virgin?”
Princess Joanna of Fapsburg: “Why did you think it was called ‘Magical Virgin Princess Training Academy?’”