Naked Teen Hentai School Girl Hentai Show and Tell.
Naked Teen Hentai School Girl Hentai Show and Tell.
Princess Corinna has really strong jaws because she exercises them a lot.
Comic Dialogue:
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)
Princess Corina of Miceadonia: “…SO per the headmaster’s orders we’re all to wait here until a temporary replacement teacher arrives.”
Unnamed Magical Virgin Princess: “Why is she naked?”
Unnamed Magical Virgin Princess: “It’s not just her, those other two are naked too.”
Unnamed Magical Virgin Princess: “And what’s all that thick white stuff on the floor?”
Princess Corina of Miceadonia: “She put me in charge seeing as I helped her defeat and subdue the rogue wizard pervert.”
Princess Joanna of Fapsburg: “I don’t remember her getting put in charge… And exactly how did she help the headmaster again?”
Princess Elsa of Oral: “She took more of that crazy little wizard’s cum than anyone so I guess she figures that was helping to subdue him.”
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