Issue Three, Enter the Crotch Wizard.
on August 14, 2017
at 5:47 am
Issue Three, Enter the Crotch Wizard.
And we’re on the last issue of Magical Virgin Princess Training Academy.
Issue Three, Enter the Crotch Wizard.
And we’re on the last issue of Magical Virgin Princess Training Academy.
Underneath the hat is just a penis. Large enough to wear said hat
Let me guess…His actual name, as given at birth, would be Richard Cranium.
Last issue? Much sadness. But then a good story does have an ending, and you definitely have an infinite supply of new ideas for other stories.
Indeed, much sadness,hoping that you will continue on with another entertaining
story line for us.
I’ve got the idea for another issue I could start after Dungeon Booty #1.