Guardian of the Galaxy, Ecchi Hentai Princesses and Gropers of Uranus.
Our Unknowing Ecchi Hentai Teen Princess Volunteer.
Now we know why she was forced to wear her gym clothes, and knowing is half the battle… or banging, whatever is about to happen.
- Comic Dialogue:
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)
Instructor Jillian: “So, do any of you know what kind of creature I am?”
Princess Elsa of Oral: “An Elf?”
Instructor Jillian: “No, I’m not an elf. I’m a dryad, and I will be instructing you in the lore of various plant based life forms.”
Instructor Jillian: “Now, OUR volunteer here has already had some experience with today’s life form, the treant, this is a baby…”
Princess Traci of Lordess: “EEEK! It’s one of those grope happy tree perverts!”
Baby Treant: “Grope?”
Princess Traci of Lordess faints and falls to the floor.
Baby Treant: “I am GROPE!”
Instructor Jillian: “And my volunteer fainted. Hmmm, this might be a two day lesson.”
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